Select one of the scenarios listed below. Use one of the Conflict Management Strategies discussed in Chapter 8 to resolve the situation. Remember to identify and explain the strategy you selected.
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Reply to Classmate 1: 100 words minimum
Managing Interpersonal Conflicts-
It this situation, Sandra is avoiding her situation and putting it on others. First off, Sandra should have never lied on her resume. Still, there are some things the secretaries can do to try to resolve this situation. The secretaries should try to talk to Sandra and explain the stress she is placing on them and how it is truly not fair to them. The least she should do is go to the secretaries and have them explain how to do each of her tasks. If this fails and Sandra uses nonnegotiating with the secretaries, they should leave the ethical strategy and use force by, courteously and professionally, telling Sandra that she is breaking policy by doing this. If she does not take proper action, they will have to report it due to policy.
REply to classmate 2 (100 words)
Managing Interpersonal Conflict DiscussionCOLLAPSE
The scenario I chose is the scenario of Ann sharing personal details about her marriage with her friend Mary and the waitress Shelly gossiping about it with the rest of the staff. In this scenario, I think that Ann should use the Talk Conflict Management Strategy. Conflict Management Strategy Talk focuses on talking about the problem and listening. I think Ann should pull the waitress to the side and talk to her in a calm and respectful manner. Ann should ask her why she would talk badly about her and she should listen to the waitress response. Although the waitress might not have much to say, this strategy might make the waitress feel guilt and stop her from talking bad about Ann or anyone else in the future. This strategy is better than being forceful because using force might cause violence and both parties to be angry. Talking things through is a healthy way to face conflict.