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Managerial Accounting | Accounting homework help

  1. Describe one major change in managerial accounting that may likely occur within the next 10 years.
  2. What are the different techniques used in management accounting?
  3. Given the pressure on accountants to book and release accruals to meet expected results, how might an accountant go about handling this type of situation?
  4. In general, explain the doctrine of “substance over form”. Apply this concept to leases. In general, do you believe the idea of “substance over form” to be important for accountants? Why? Why not?
  5. Determine at least two (2) ways that accounting or accountants can have a direct impact on society. Provide specific examples.
  6. The largest public accounting firms typically are structured as: a. Professional corporations. b. Limited liability corporations. c. Limited liability partnerships. d. Subchapter S corporations.
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