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Management PowerPoint presentation |


Find a memo on Training Project.

Create a PowerPoint of no fewer than 10 slides AND a references slide to address the discrimination issue you detailed in the memo.

The PowerPoint presentation must:

1. Explain the applicable law to the intended audience

2. Provide thorough treatment of the topic(s) selected, including actionable steps the company should take to avoid issues around discrimination

3. Adhere to general standards for good use of PowerPoints. Some useful tips can be found in the following articles:



Optional: Expand on the content on the slides by using either the notes section or using recorded narration (if you’ve never used this awesome feature in PowerPoint, you can learn more about it here https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c)

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