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Locate the gerund, since it is used as a noun, determine its

Locate the gerund, since it is used as a noun, determine its use.

same choices for the first 4 questions. And I know the gerunds on all of them I just need their noun use 🙂


1) I enjoy walking in the country (walking)

a) predicate noun

b) direct object

c) object  of preposition

d) subject 


2) Reckless driving is dangerous.(driving)

3) A popular pastime is backpacking.(backpacking)

4) John has finally lost interest in collecting stamps.(collecting)


Ok now locate and identify the -ing use. 


5) having no one to play with, the child turned to books for companionship. 

So is -having- a participle, verb phrase, or a gerund?

6) napping is an effortless activity. (Napping)

7) a thinking person will avoid foolish strife. (thinking)

8) Mary occupied herself by painting. (Painting)

9) frank was swimming in the private pool. (Swimming)

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