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Intellectual property rights in the digital age | Information Systems homework help

  1. Mayfield Electronics, Inc., an international company, has asked your accounting firm to share with its employees the threat of cybercrime, and how the company can protect itself corporately as well as individual employees.
  2. What is cybersquatting, and when is it illegal?
  3. What steps have been taken to protect intellectual property rights in the digital age?
  4. When does the law protect a person’s electronic communications from being intercepted or accessed?
  5. What law governs whether Internet service providers are liable for online defamatory statements made by users?
  6. How do online retailers track their users’ web browsing activities?
  7. What property of a hash function means that collisions are not a security problem? That is, why can’t an attacker capitalize on collisions and change the underlying plaintext to another form whose value collides with the hash value of the original plaintext?
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