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Infant-toddler sensitive period of development | Psychology homework help

Montessori Infant-Toddler Environments NEW

Montessori Infant-Toddler Environments [CLOs: 1 & 3]. 1st Post Due by Day 3. According to Dr. Maria Montessori (1967), the child’s environment “must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences” (p. 81). Learning environments must be carefully prepared to allow infants and toddlers to explore and direct their own learning as they become more and more independent. Watch the video, 01 Preparation for Life: Montessori Infant-Toddler Communities. Then, respond to the following:

a. Briefly describe the three aspects of the infant-toddler sensitive period of development (movement, order, and language).

2.       Identify and describe how the learning environments in the video support this development.

3.       Review your response to this week’s Discussion One, “Developmentally Appropriate Centers.” After

viewing the video on Montessori learning environments, describe how would you change or enhance your learning center.

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