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In what ways do girls and boys differ with respect to moral development? | Psychology homework help

  1. Do you think that moral development occurs gradually or in a stage-like fashion?


  1. How do you plan to model caring behaviors to the children or adolescents you will be working with?


  1. How would you respond to a parent who told you that moral education should occur only in the home?


  1. In what ways do girls and boys differ with respect to moral development?


  1. In what way do exceptionally aggressive children perceive people differently from how less aggressive children perceive people? Describe an aggressive and nonaggressive child’s thought processes at each step of Dodge’s (1986) social information processing model.


  1. Does aggressive behavior serve any useful purposes?


  1. As a future practitioner, working with infants, children, or adolescents, how might you help your aggressive students improve their ability to interpret social cues more accurately?
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