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In-house IT staff | Information Systems homework help

Module 5 is focused on people and organizations and management as a cybersecurity leader. However, in this module, the emphasis is to fully understand how “businesses” need to accept this new paradigm and cybersecurity leaders need to reframe their roles to succeed where it aligns with the business environment. You have also learned that cybersecurity creates new demands on traditional corporate structures and the financial as well as the reputational impact when cyber breaches occur.

The readings and video presentation from this module help reinforce the mix of leadership and management with new personnel needs to address cybersecurity.

For this module’s assignment, you will produce a formal white paper directed to your CIO, that compares and contrasts the three options for staffing a cybersecurity department:

  • In-house IT staff that must be trained and maintained
  • A hybrid model where most of the IT functionality is outsourced while a skeletal in-house IT staff is maintained
  • Fully outsourced IT functionality
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