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Implicit biases | Psychology homework help

In Project Three, you will have to explain how you will address your own biases. Identifying your own implicit biases will help to identify the areas in your life where you might approach management with either a sense of privilege or a preconceived idea. Take some time now to explore your biases by completing two of the Project Implicit implicit bias tests. Once you complete the tests, consider the following:

Were you surprised by the results? Do you agree with the results?
How can you use this knowledge of your personal biases to inform your management strategies?
How can the identified biases impact team dynamics and collaboration on a team?
Once you complete this activity, review the Shapiro Library article In Bias Test, Shades of Gray for a critical discussion of the implicit bias tests.

You will not be graded for this activity. But, you may submit your notes and any questions for instructor feedback.

Note: The implicit bias tests are a valuable tool to help you identify and better understand your implicit biases, but it’s possible that you face potentially uncomfortable results. Your results will be collected for research purposes, so please pay special attention to the disclaimer and privacy policy to ensure you are comfortable before beginning.
Paper Format: APA

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