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Humantities | Reading homework help

How does mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment  in the film The Ring? Follow the link below to my documentary “Wrath of Samara” and use it to help guide your analytical outline. Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung and the manner in which I use their ideas to critically engage The Ring.

I’ve re-arranged the information above into numbered list to form the assignment matrix:

How does mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment  in the film The Ring?

Follow the link below to my documentary “Wrath of Samara” and use it to help guide your analytical outline.

Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung and the manner in which I use their ideas to critically engage The Ring.


Wrath of Samara:

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