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Human resource management and talent acquisition | Human resource management homework help

This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes:

Apply leadership principles to human resource management and talent acquisition.
For this assignment you will be writing a 4 page executive summary including the following:

Read Health Costs And Financing: Challenges And Strategies For A New Administration Links to an external site. (https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.01560) and summarize the findings in the article
What are the recommendations
What are the 5 priorities
How can we produce a high-value workforce in our own companies?
What HR principles can we use that will benefit the recruitment of talent
What HR principles can we use that will reduce turnover?
Word document submission in the form of an Executive Summary. Remember an executive summary is a concise version of a lengthier document, proposal, or multiple related reports. It is one of the first things (and sometimes the only thing) recipients of your document will read; therefore, it should be short and (often) persuasive. The executive summary should address these main points: Purpose; Problem; Problem Analysis; Recommendations. You can organize your summary in the following manner:
Define the problem, need, or goal;
Define the decision that needs to be made;
Define the expected outcome and provide the reasons why they should choose the option that you want;
Define the solution and how you reached the solution;
End with a call to action

Paper Format: APA

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