Historical Tradition Changes
Article Review Assignment: Historical Tradition Changes: New Policy on the Death Penalty for Minors
Read the following article in the Library.
(2009). Roper, Superintendent, Potosi Correctional Center v. Simmons: certiorari to the Supreme Court of Missouri. Supreme Court Cases: The Twenty-first Century (2000 – Present), 1–5.
After you have read the article, write a 3–5-page summary of the article addressing the questions below:
In Roper v. Simmons, what was basis of the U.S. Supreme Courts’ opinion?
What was the dissenting opinion?
What policy and treatment implications can you envision as a result of this decision?
Do you believe that juveniles should be put to death? Why, or why not?
Provide illustrative examples to support your position.
Use appropriate APA citations and other research to support your claims.