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Hieu 201 liberty university chapter 1 quiz

HIEU 201 Liberty University Chapter 1 Quiz

  1. Paleolithic religious beliefs
  2. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Neolithic Age?
  3. The first civilizations
  4. Sargon the Great
  5. The Sumerians erected their religious temples atop huge multilevel mounds called
  6. The kings in ancient Mesopotamia
  7. The economy of Mesopotamian cities
  8. Which of the following describes the Egyptians’ relationship with their environment?
  9. The pharaohs
  10. The Hittites
  11. Which of the following is NOT true of the Persian empire?
  12. Compared to a rational or scientific view of the world, a mythopoeic view
  13. The ________ Age is also known as the Old Stone Age.
  14. Which of the following civilizations rose first?
  15. The Epic of Gligamesh depicts the Mesopotamians’ mood of
  16. In Paleolithic societies, human beings
  17. The central force in the first civilizations was
  18. In Hammurabi’s code of law
  19. The religious teachings of the prophet Zoroaster
  20. The Egyptian New Kingdom began with the war of liberation against the  


HIEU 201 Liberty University Chapter 1 Quiz

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