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Health | Health homework help

In this assessment, you will develop your problem statement as well as your AIM statement for your Project Charter. It is critical to identify the “gap” or area for improvement with supporting evidence. The AIM statement represents the goals you are trying to accomplish, the impact on the population, system, or organization, the “why” (why are you undertaking this task), and relevant background information. One way to operationalize your AIM statement is by developing SMART Goals.

1.Describes an existing change opportunity that focuses on one area, is measurable, the desired state after improvement is in measurable terms, and explains why improvement is needed and meaningful in this area.
2 Analyzes multiple relevant and timely sources to support the need for improvement.
3. Develops a problem statement that is specific to one area, is solvable, is clear and concise, and identifies its effect on the population/process.
4.Develops complete SMART objectives related to the proposed project and illustrates how the project addresses the social determinants of health and alignment with organizational mission and goals.
5.Develops an AIM statement that includes measurable goals the project is intended to accomplish including who will benefit, what will be done, where the change will occur, and a timeline with supporting evidence.

Note please only do up to part one will purchase part 2,3,4 after part one is completed please note the template and the example template is in the uploads
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