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Health care leadership | Leadership homework help

Create an 8-page personal leadership portrait that reflects an in-depth assessment of your leadership skills and abilities.
1. Evaluates one’s personal approach to health care leadership. Draws insightful conclusions from a critical, impartial analysis of personal leadership characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and leadership styles.
2. Explains how a personal approach to health care leadership facilitates interprofessional relationships, community engagement, and change management. Explicitly identifies relevant leadership and communication strengths and weaknesses. Applies clear, relevant criteria to the evaluation of interprofessional communication best practices, and makes valid inferences based on credible evidence.
3. Explains how ethical leadership principles can be applied to professional practice. Inferences and conclusions about best practices for developing an ethical workplace culture are based on a perceptive analysis and interpretation of relevant ethical codes and credible evidence.
4 Explains how health care leaders can address diversity and inclusion. Clearly articulates the implications and consequences for leaders of addressing these issues from multiple perspectives. Conclusions and recommendations reflect best practices distilled from an astute synthesis of the evidence.
5 Explains how scholar-practitioners contribute to leadership and professional development in the field of health care. Provides a cogent argument for the value of scholar-practitioners to the field of health care and notes clear implications for the field of health care hat extend beyond a single issue.

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Paper Format: APA

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