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Hand Hygiene and Infection Control | Health & Medical homework help

My clinical topic of interest is Hand Hygiene and Infection Control. In my current practice as a nurse, I have developed a greater understanding of the importance of hand hygiene and infection control in health care. I am passionate about promoting good hand hygiene and infection control practices in healthcare settings. Good hygiene habits are essential for preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Hand hygiene is an integral component of infection control, which, if not properly managed, can lead to increased infections in healthcare settings. Hand hygiene procedures in patient care began in the early 19th century. The practice evolved through time as evidence of its vast importance accumulated, and when combined with other hand-hygienic techniques, it reduced microorganisms responsible for nosocomial or hospital-acquired illnesses (HAI) (Toney-Butler & Carver, 2019).

The PICO question to research would be: Does hand washing among healthcare workers reduce hospital-acquired infections compared to an alcohol-based solution?

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