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Growth mindset | Education homework help

 The assignment will focus on the instructional leadership role of a principal. Since the TTESS evaluation model is not a single snapshot but is a continuous growth model, a vital component of this model will be instructional coaching by the campus leader and/or teacher leaders (instructional coaches). As an instructional leader, you will need to have knowledge of best practices, tools, and resources to facilitate the improvement of instructional practices on the campus. The principal will also need to plan for and conduct crucial conversations to promote professional growth as well as collect documentation for personnel decisions. The principal will also need tools to help engage the staff in professional learning. When managing human talent, the leader(s) will need to observe classrooms regularly and provide resources, feedback, and support as needed to facilitate professional growth in the staff while honoring professional norms. The purpose of the assignments this week is to allow you to develop your background knowledge, skills, and tools in order to facilitate a teacher’s professional growth.   

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