Benefits and Costs of Economic Growth
China-Using reading from week 8, How should we think about the rapid growth in trade and investment with China?
Your case study paper is due at the end of Week 7. The purpose of the assignment is to apply your knowledge of the costs and benefits of economic growth. This assignment is based on Chapter 19 in Meyer’s Everything Economic Book and on supplementary readings.
During Week 4, we studied concepts related to the sources of economic growth. This growth benefits society by advancing our well-being and improving our standard of living. At the same time growth has some very significant social and environmental costs. The paper assignment for this course asks you to define and explain the sources of economic growth and to develop a proposal for an economic policy that would encourage and promote each source of growth. The assignment also asks that you provide examples of some of the costs of economic growth and polices to help reduce those costs. First, review Chapter 19 and the fellow file attached file: Cons Econ Growth & Sust Dev_Smry.docx
You may read other articles as well and include them in your bibliography.
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