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Globalization trends | Business homework help

  1. Where are good jobs emerging? What is the significance of the growth of Walmart and Mcdonalds? Research and comment on Zeynop Ton’s good jobs strategy.
  2. Some of the key elements to support the increase of globalization is/are: a. Innovation in telecommunications. b. Information technology. c. All the above. d. None of the above.
  3. For supply chain management, globalization trends have resulted in: A. Less competition. B. Greater competition. C. Greater coordination. D. Fewer markets. E. B and C.
  4. Is globalization the dominant international system that has replaced the cold war system? What are its unique characteristics?
  5. How has globalization affected different world regions?
  6. What are some of the benefits and costs of globalization for different sectors of society (companies, workers, communities)?
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