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Globalization | Business homework help

Which of the following developments most clearly reflect a significant economic impact of globalization on develops nations during the late 20th century and early twentieth centuries?

A) Gains in profit for small and locally operated businesses

B) Increases in the volume of exports of high-value luxury goods

C) Expansion of access to low-cost products for consumers

D) Increases in labor costs associated with manufacturing

The nation of South Pi is experiencing rapid increases in business activity, but still lacks sufficient infrastructure and modern communication systems. Which challenge to conducting international business is the PRIMARY one faced by exporters to Pi?

a) nonconvertible currency

b) government economic policies

c) economic growth and development

d) socioeconomic factors

e) cultural behaviors of a community

Dani Rodrik points out that

a. an economy more open to foreign trade and investment faces a more inelastic demand for unskilled workers.

b. employers and consumers can more readily replace domestic workers with foreign workers by investing abroad or buying imports.

c. globalization increases job insecurity.

d. financial liberalization in LDCs leads to collapse of the economy.

Hyatt hotels each have a reservation department, a front desk check-in department, and a housekeeping department which continuously interact. Which type of interdependence is represented at Hyatt hotels?

1. Reciprocal

2. Continuous

3. Routine

4. Pooled

5. Sequential

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