Accounting for Managers:
Case Study Part 1, Due March 19th, 2017
Comprehensive Project – Part I
A. Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. Include:
1. A brief historical summary,
2. A list of competitors,
3. The company’s position within the industry,
4. Recent developments within the company/industry,
5. Future direction, and
6. Other items of significance to your corporation.
B. Include information from a variety of resources. For example:
1. Consult the Form 10-K filed with the SEC.
2. Review the Annual Report and especially the Letter to Shareholders
3. Explore the corporate website.
4. Select at least two significant news items from recent business periodicals
C. Submit a written report that is 2-4 pages long. The report should be well written with introductory and concluding paragraphs. References must be appropriately cited. Be sure to address all of the points in Section A above, using all of the resources listed in Section B. Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font. Include a complete bibliography.
Prior to beginning this activity you should review:
1. Schoenebeck and Holtzman (2013). Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements (6th ed.)
o Chapter 5: Statement of Cash Flow’s
2. Fraser and Ormiston (2013). Understanding Financial Statements (10th ed.)
o Chapter 4: Statement of Cash Flows
3. Module 5 Powerpoint [PDF File Size 3.91 Mb]
Case Study Part 2, Due March 26th, 2017
Comprehensive Project – Part II:
The purpose of the second part of the comprehensive project is to compute financial statement ratios.
A. Based on formulas given in Appendix B, compute the following ratios in Excel for two years.
1. Debt ratio
2. Gross profit margin
3. Free cash flow
4. Times interest earned
5. Accounts receivable turnover
6. Inventory turnover
B. Prepare a DuPont Analysis of ROE for two years, including computations of
1. Return on Sales
2. Asset Turnover
3. Return on Assets
4. Financial Leverage
5. Return on Equity
C. Briefly evaluate the ratio trends. Indicate on your worksheet whether each ratio is:
1. stronger / weaker
2. quicker /slower
3. more / less liquid
4. more / less risk
D. Submit a report. Write a 2-4 page report evaluating trends in all of the above ratios. Discuss whether your company’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency are improving or deteriorating.
Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Prior to beginning this activity, you should review:
1. Schoenebeck and Holtzman (2013). Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements (6th ed.)
o Chapter 6: Specific Accounts
Case Study Part 3, Due April 2nd, 2017
Comprehensive Project Part III:
The purpose of the third part of the comprehensive project is to use resources available to obtain industry averages for commonly used ratios. Additionally you will compare company ratio results to industry averages.
A. Obtain the four-digit primary SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code and industry title for your company. Record the primary SIC code and industry title at the top of the Ratio Analysis Worksheet.
B. Obtain industry averages for commonly used ratios in the current period. Industry average information is reported by industry title or SIC code.
C. Look up the following industry-average ratios:
1. Current ratio
2. Debt ratio
3. Gross profit margin
4. Times interest earned
5. Accounts receivable turnover
6. Inventory turnover
7. Return on Sales
8. Asset Turnover
9. Return on Assets
10. Financial Leverage
11. Return on Equity
Note that some industry averages may not apply to your company.
D. Submit a report. Write a 2-4 page report comparing the above ratios to industry averages. Discuss whether your company’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency are better than, or worse then, its peers. Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Prior to beginning this activity, be sure you review:
· Schoenebeck and Holtzman (2013). Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements (6th ed.)
o Chapter 7: The Accounting Cycle
Case Study Part 4, Due April 9th, 2017
Final Written Paper
The final written paper requires you to prepare a well-written titled “Would You Advise a Friend to Invest in This Company?” based upon your research and analysis of this company’s financial information. You should identify 3-5 significant points that justify your conclusion. Support your points with a comprehensive explanation incorporating sound reasoning.
Your final written paper should be 4-5 pages long. The report should be well written with introductory and concluding paragraphs. References must be appropriately cited. Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Prior to beginning this activity be sure you review:
· Schoenebeck and Holtzman (2013). Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements (6th ed.)
o Chapter 8: Comprehensive Review
Change Management
Case Study: Green Mountain Resort, Due March 5th, 2017 (*Scan Case Study)
Green Mountain Resort was not expected to be in business for very long, not that anyone was making predictions. In this case study, you will review various change images, issues related to turnover, and conclusions that can be drawn from an organization in turmoil. Finally, you will recommend changes that will address these challenges.
Review the following case study from your textbook: Case Study Green Mountain Resort (Dis)solves the Turnover Problem. Then, review the Case Analysis Rubric for assistance on how to write a case. Your case should be of sufficient length to address the issues and at least 3–5 pages, not including the title page and bibliography. Submit a Word document using correct APA formatting (6th edition).
Term Project: Outline, Due March 5th, 2017
In this module, you will submit an outline of this project.
In your outline, be sure to include the following elements:
• 1–2 paragraphs describing a brief overview of the project
• Your intended thesis statement
• An outline of the proposed project (For example, introduction, key points, conclusion, etc.)
In addition, be sure to demonstrate a clear understanding of the organization to be studied, the challenge requiring a change intervention, and the change strategy that will address the challenge as discussed.
Additionally, detail any issues or challenges you foresee related to the term project along with any assistance that your instructor can provide in the coming weeks.
Term Project: Final Submission, Due April 9th, 2017
You submitted an outline for your term project and got your instructor’s feedback and approval on the subject and direction for your thesis. In Module 7, you completed writing your paper.
In this module, before you submit your term paper, be sure that you have covered all necessary information and have adhered to the outline you submitted in Module 2.
Your research paper should be of 7–10 pages and should include a cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference list. Be sure that your paper adheres to the APA format and writing style (6th edition).
Case Study: Problems at Perrier, Due March 12th, 2017 (*Scan Case Study)
The ability to identify the key elements of employee resistance to change is fundamental to actually reducing the resistance to change. This case study discusses a vicious struggle underway for the soul of the business and is an outstanding example of how the need for change can impact the core nature of nearly every aspect of the organization.
To begin this assignment, from your textbook, review the Case Study: Problems at Perrier. Then, review the Case Analysis Rubric for information on how to write this case study analysis in addition to what points you should include.
Your case study analysis should be of sufficient length to address the issues and at least 3–5 pages, not including the title and bibliography pages. Submit a Word document using correct APA formatting.
Case Study: Tyco, Due April 2nd, 2017 (*Scan Case Study)
Tyco is a multinational corporation that deals with industries from hospital suppliers to fire sprinklers. To some, Tyco epitomized the excesses that could occur from success. Some executives plundered the company for personal gain, which affected its very survival and the employment of thousands of employees. The organization’s culture required substantive change. In this assignment, you will review and write a case study analysis on how Tyco overcame the frustration of its employees and communicated needed change throughout the organization.
Review the following case study from your textbook: Case Study: Tyco. The case study references the six change images discussed in the course materials and seeks to understand how change management strategies can affect turnover. Subsequently, review the Case Analysis Rubric for information on how to write an analysis of a case study.
Your case should be of sufficient length to address the issues and at least 3–5 pages, not including the title page and bibliography. Submit a Word document using correct APA formatting (6th edition).
Human Resources
Short Paper: An Ethical Dilemma, Due March 4th, 2017
Human resource professionals regularly face ethical decisions, particularly as they balance the interests of the organization with the interests of individual employees. In this case study, you will analyze a situation that requires ethics to be applied in making a decision and provide a recommendation for how the person, Mary Alice, should proceed and why. Making decisions when there are competing interests is something all leaders have to cope with. Use this assignment as an opportunity to reflect on your own decision-making style.
Mary Alice is an HR generalist assigned to the Norwalk plant of FMC Inc. She has worked at the plant for six years and knows many of the employees, both as co-workers and from community activities. For the past several months, Mary Alice has been involved in confidential discussions regarding several of the Norwalk production processes moving to the Huntsville plant, which is operating under capacity. Only a handful of the Norwalk employees will be offered the opportunity to move to Huntsville and about 200 employees will be laid off. The announcement is going to be made in 60 days.
At a school fundraiser last evening, Ralph, a co-worker who is most likely going to be laid off, spent time talking with Mary Alice about the new home he was purchasing. The mortgage is at the limit of what Ralph’s family can afford, but as he explained to Mary Alice, with FMC doing so well and the likelihood of him getting overtime in the coming year, well, they could just about swing it.
Mary Alice was conflicted. She wanted to tell Ralph about the coming layoffs, but she was bound by her pledge of confidentiality regarding the layoff discussions. Also, if she said something to Ralph, it would undoubtedly get out and perhaps cause a panic and eliminate the chance for an orderly transition to the smaller operation in Norwalk, hurting plant productivity in the meantime. Mary Alice can’t seem to find a way to make a decision. What should Mary Alice do and why?
Write a short paper that addresses the following:
· Describe two ethical philosophies that might help with the decision.
· Make a recommendation for how you would advise Mary Alice to act.
· Provide a description of the process you used to arrive at the recommendation.
· Are there limitations or possilbe unintended consequences associated with your recommendations? Explain and justify your claims.
Things to Remember!
· Write a short paper 2 to 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
Short Paper: Challenges New Managers May Face, Due March 5th, 2017
In most organizations, managers address many HR-related issues on a daily basis. While it is prudent to seek advice from HR professionals, many smaller organizations do not have a separate, centralized human resource department. That is the case in this activity, where the HR functions are shared among several operations managers. Further, it is common for people who are new to an organization to spot unusual things that long-serving employees miss because they are simply used to the way things are. In this activity, you will analyze a case where the new manager needs to understand labor law, as well as other employment laws, in order to effectively discuss his concerns with his boss.
Consider the following scenario:
Eli Fares is a departmental manager at a mid-sized manufacturing plant in western Pennsylvania that produces the magnetized sheets used to make refrigerator magnets. Eli has been on the job about six months and he is beginning to worry about several employee relations issues. There are 48 non-production workers who work as managers, supervisors, office staff, production equipment maintenance employees, accounting, or sales staff. All of these are salaried positions. There are about 240 hourly employees who work on the production lines, or in inventory, housekeeping, and shipping. There is no separate HR staff, and HR duties are currently divided among the management and clerical staff.
The manufacturing facility has three distinct sections; an office area and a space for maintenance and shipping comprises about 1/10th of the building on the east end, and the production area takes up the rest on the west end. The east end of the building is separated from the production area. It is clean and has good heating and air conditioning. The production area on the west end is dirty and does not have air conditioning. Generally the heat of the production processes is the only heating provided except in unusually cold weather. There is limited ventilation and the production area gets very hot in the summer, sometimes over 100° F. There seems to always be an undercurrent of grumbling among the production employees and Eli has heard rumors of a union organizing drive.
The other concern that Eli has is the unwritten policy whereby the production supervisors pressure employees not to take time off for any reason and not to file worker’s compensation claims if they have an injury. Paid vacation is required to be taken during the annual two-week shut down for maintenance. Employees receive no other paid time off benefits. It is common for employees who take a sick day or who have worker’s compensation claims to be assigned to the least favorable jobs when they return to work.
Eli has scheduled a meeting with his supervisor, the plant manager, to discuss his observations and he wants to be well prepared.
Write a short paper that summarizes your view of what Eli should tell his boss, and be sure to address the following:
· Explain the process by which a union can become the sole and exclusive representative for a bargaining unit.
· If a union drive does get underway, explain how this might limit what management can and cannot do.
· Discuss any current liabilities that the company faces from a legal perspective and from a risk management perspective.
· Do you think that the plant is large enough to justify a position that is focused solely on human resources? Explain why or why not. Justify your claims.
Things to Remember!
· Write a short paper 2 to 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
Part 1/3, Research Project: Select an Organization, Due March 12th, 2017
For this course, you will be responsible for completing a research project. The purpose of this project is to study and apply the HR concepts involved in effective performance management systems. You will design a performance management system for an organization. Your research project will be completed in three parts (organization selection, annotated bibliography, and final project). In this module, you will complete the first part of your research project by identifying and describing an appropriate organization to use as your basis for research.
For this activity, complete Part One of your project. Write a short paper that identifies and describes an organization you will use for your research project. Be sure to include and address the following:
· The mission and strategy of the organization.
· The products or services of the organization.
· The organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses.
· The external environment in which the organization operates (opportunities and threats).
· Performance management policies and practices.
Things to Remember!
· Write a short paper 2 to 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
Part 2/3, Research Project: Key Features & Annotated Bibliography, March 26th, 2017
For this activity, complete Part Two of your project. Write a short paper that provides an overview of the organization’s existing performance management system. Be sure to include and address the following:
· An overview of the key features of the organization’s performance management system.
· A description of how the various processes interrelate.
· An annotated bibliography with at least five credible resources. Use the following resources to develop your annotated bibliography:
o Annotated Bibliography: What is it? How do you create one? [PDF File Size 106.16KB]
Things to Remember!
· Write a short paper 2 to 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
Part 3/3, Research Project: Final Project, Due April 9th, 2017
For this activity, complete Part Three of your project. Write a research paper that analyzes what you have learned about how particular HR concepts are involved in effective performance management systems. Your goal is to design a performance management system for your selected organization. Be sure to include and address the following:
· A brief summary of Parts One and Two of your research project, which were completed in previous modules.
· A detailed discussion of your selected organization’s current performance management system, including its strengths and weaknesses.
· Recommendations for improving the organization’s performance management system by:
o Enhancing employee engagement and retention.
o Aligning the performance management system to organizational goals.
· At least eight credible resources (not including course materials).
Things to Remember!
· Write a research paper of 10 to 12 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
Short Paper: Buy or Build Talent? Due March 19th, 2017
One of the key components of a staffing plan and related talent management programs is to decide whether to build or buy talent. Building talent involves a commitment to train and develop employees to fill positions, such that the employees have the right skills at the time they are needed. Buying talent refers to the use of independent contractors, vendors, and/or contingent employees to fill the talent demand.
For this assignment you will first need to research both options – to build or buy. Then, write a short paper that addresses the following:
· A discussion of both staffing strategies, to build talent and to buy talent.
· Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, including challenges for management and human resources.
· Provide an example where each strategy works well, and provide an example where each strategy is not likely to work well.
Things to Remember!
· Write a short paper 2 to 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
Short Paper: Training and Development, Due April 2nd, 2017
In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about the use of training to make improvements in employee performance in support of organizational objectives. Select an organization that you are familiar with. Consider an area where performance does not meet expectations or where you see the potential for improvement. Write a short paper that addresses the following:
· Identify a performance gap that you believe can be closed by a training program.
· Describe how you would design and deliver an effective training program to address this performance gap.
· Provide details of the training program and explain how it would close the performance gap.
· Explain how the results will be measured.
Things to Remember!
· Write a short paper 2 to 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
Short Paper: Strengths and Challenges of Pay for Performance, Due April 9th, 2017
In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to express your thoughts on pay for performance, based on your experiences and readings. A key concept is aligning the pay for performance plan with the organization’s goals to ensure a return on the investment in additional compensation. Write a short paper that addresses the following:
· Using an organization you are familiar with, describe its mission and identify 2 or 3 of its mission-critical goals.
· Identify and discuss both strengths and challenges of pay for performance plans.
· Provide a pay for performance plan recommendation for the organization. Or, if you do not support a pay for performance plan for the organization, discuss why. Explain your rationale.
Things to Remember!
· Write a short paper 2 to 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
· Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all resources.
USA Today Case Study: Business Leaders, Due March 4th, 2017 (See Attachment)
On completion of this activity, you will be able to:
· Apply theoretical material to a real business problem and identify lessons for leadership practices.
A case study is a short description of a real business situation. Analyzing case studies gives you the opportunity to apply concepts to real business problems. Cases are generally written for several types of analysis. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer in case analysis. Rather, cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding of concepts and your ability to apply them to situations. Download and read the detailed guide to case analysis.
USA Today Case Study: Business Leaders,
Read the USA Today document and answer the following questions at the end of the document.
1. Critical inquiry questions
2. Future implications questions
3. Include at least 2 scholarly sources to support your responses.
You will be divided into groups based on the first letter of your last name but you will complete the assignment individually. The groups will be:
· A-E: Choose a leader from numbers 1 through 5.
· F-J: Choose a leader from numbers 6 through 10.
· K-O: Choose a leader from numbers 11 through 15.
· P-T: Choose a leader from numbers 16 through 20.
· U-Z: Choose a leader from numbers 21 through 25
A – E |
F – J |
K – O |
P – T |
U – Z |
Choose a leader from numbers 1 through 5. |
Choose a leader from numbers 6 through 10. |
Choose a leader from numbers 11 through 15. |
Choose a leader from numbers 16 through 20. |
Choose a leader from numbers 21 through 25. |
Write all your case study analysis in one document. The case analysis should be two to three pages long. Be sure to follow the APA style for writing and editing. Cite any sources you use.
Case Study: A Good Team Player, Due March 5th, 2017 (See Attachment)
On completion of this activity, you will be able to:
· Apply theoretical material to a real business problem and identify lessons for leadership practices.
A case study is a short description of a real business situation. Analyzing case studies gives you the opportunity to apply concepts to real business problems. Cases are generally written for several types of analysis. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer in case analysis. Rather, cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding of concepts and your ability to apply them to situations. Download and read the detailed guide to case analysis.
A Good Team Player, Retrieved from:
Read the case “A Good Team Player” and answer the following questions:
1. What are the relevant facts?
2. What are the ethical issues?
a. On what grounds are Kristin’s demands of Steven justifiable? How should these influence Steven’s actions?
3. Who are the primary stakeholders?
4. What are the possible alternatives?
5. What are the practical constraints?What is/are the power(s) being displayed by Kristin?
6. What actions should be taken?
a. How should Steven respond? Why? What assumptions form the basis for your decision?
Support your responses with at least three scholarly sources.
Write all your case study analysis in one document. The case analysis should be two to three pages long. Be sure to follow the APA style for writing and editing. Cite any sources you use.
Personal Case Study, Due March 12th, 2017 (See Attachment)
On completion of this activity, you will be able to:
· Evaluate the culture of an organization based on information gathering and analysis.
· Recommend improvements to the culture of the organization based on information analysis.
In the text, Everything you need to know about emotional intelligence & leadership, complete the practical application of emotionally intelligent behaviors found in section 2.2, pp. 17-18.
Intrapersonal behaviors – managing your own emotions
1. Identify your negative emotions
a. How will you lead yourself to not influence others in the workplace with a negative emotion you have?
2. Control inappropriate impulses
a. What are the steps you will take to ensure you have control over your own impulses?
3. Cultivate self-awareness
a. What steps will you take to recognize when you are allowing your negative emotions to influence your work? A “trigger” for yourself?
b. What steps will you take to recognize when you are not controlling inappropriate impulses? A “trigger” for yourself?
4. Remain adaptable
a. When will it be appropriate for you to remain adaptable and when is it not? Explain.
Interpersonal behaviors – managing others’ emotions
1. Determine how you can recognize that you need to use empathy. Provide examples.
2. When and why is it necessary to build strong relationships?
3. When should you, as a leader, be collaborative and cooperative? Explain.
Use emotional intelligence theory in your responses.
Support your responses with at least three scholarly sources.
Morton, W. (2012). Everything You Need to Know About Emotional Intelligence & Leadership. [Newmarket, Ont.]: BrainMass Inc.
Case Study: Might Makes Right, Due March 19th, 2017 (See Attachment)
On completion of this activity, you will be able to:
· Apply theoretical material to a real business problem and identify lessons for leadership practices.
A case study is a short description of a real business situation. Analyzing case studies gives you the opportunity to apply concepts to real business problems. Cases are generally written for several types of analysis. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer in case analysis. Rather, cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding of concepts and your ability to apply them to situations. Download and read the detailed guide to case analysis.
Might Makes Right, retrieved from:
Read the case “Might Makes Right” and answer the following questions:
i. What are the relevant facts?
ii. What are the ethical issues?
1. Is John being treated justly? Are his rights being protected? Explain.
2. When, if ever, is it ethical for a manager to take credit for the work of a subordinate? Explain.
iii. Who are the primary stakeholders?
iv. What are the possible alternatives?
v. What are the practical constraints?
vi. What actions should be taken?
1. What alternative should Janice choose? Explain.
vii. Support your responses with at least three scholarly sources.
Write all your case study analysis in one document. The case analysis should be two to three pages long. Be sure to follow the APA style for writing and editing. Cite any sources you use.
· Questions at the end of the case are accurately answered.
· Analysis of the case is related to theoretical material and own experience.
· Conclusions on significant issues are logically derived from the case analysis.
Reinforcement Theory, Due March 26th, 2017
On completion of this activity, you will be able to:
· Apply theoretical material to a real business problem and identify lessons for leadership practices.
Your assignment:
a. Your company provides diversity training programs to ensure that employees realize the importance of working with a diverse workforce, are aware of the equal employment opportunity legislation, and are capable of addressing the challenges of working in a multicultural workforce. Participation in these programs is mandatory, and employees are required to take the training as many times as needed until they pass. The training program lasts one day and is usually conducted in a nice hotel outside the workplace. Employees are paid for the time they spend in the training program. You realize that employees are not really motivated to perform well in this program. During the training, they put in the minimum level of effort, and most participants fail the exam given at the conclusion of the training program and then have to retake the training.
b. Using expectancy and reinforcement theories, explain why they may not be motivated to perform well in the training program. Then suggest improvements in the program so that employees are motivated to understand the material, pass the exam, and apply the material in the workplace.
c. Support your responses with at least three scholarly sources.
The paper should be 5-6 pages in length and follow APA Guidelines
Leadership Theory and Motivation Theory Connected, Due April 2nd, 2017
Using the readings thus far, relate a leadership theory or style to a motivational theory and respond to the following questions:
In what ways does the leadership theory or style embody the motivational theory? Explain and include examples.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the leadership theory or style, together with the motivational theory, on goal theory. What’s the best use of theory for this particular leadership theory or style to motivate employees and achieve goals?
Is the leadership theory or style effective for conflict resolution? Explain and include examples.
Would this leadership style or theory embody emotional intelligence? Explain
Support your responses with at least four scholarly sources.
The paper should be 5-6 pages in length and follow APA Guidelines
Leading Strategically, Due April 9th, 2017
Leading Strategically. Saylor OER:
a. Develop arguments that one of the key issues discussed in this chapter (vision, mission, goals; assessing organizational performance; CEO celebrity; entrepreneurial orientation) is the most important within organizations. Provide rationale for your argument.
b. Based on the chapter discussed Howard Schultz and Starbucks on several occasions. Based on your reading of the chapter, how well has Schultz done in dealing with setting a vision, mission, and goals, assessing organizational performance, CEO celebrity, and entrepreneurial orientation?
c. Write a vision and mission for an organization or firm that you are currently associated with. How could you use the balanced scorecard to assess how well that organization is fulfilling the mission you wrote?
d. Support your responses with at least four scholarly sources.
The paper should be 5-6 pages in length and follow APA Guidelines