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Financial Accounting | Accounting homework help

  1. Does a decrease in the times interest earned ratio generally signal good news or bad news about a company? Explain.
  2. A company has assets totalling $128,625, liabilities totalling $67,980, and net income for the period totalling $74,000. Calculate the return on assets.
  3. Ovit, Inc., has preferred stock with a price of $20 and a dividend of $1.50 per year. What is its dividend yield?
  4. Does a decrease in the times interest earned ratio generally signal good news or bad news about a company? Explain.
  5. Hawi Inc. has net income of $200,000, average shares of common stock outstanding of 40,000, and preferred dividends for the period of $20,000.

What is Hawi’s earnings per share of common stock?

Sid Brey, the president of Hawi, believes that the computed EPS of the company is high. Comment.

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