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File system on a disk | Computer Science homework help

  1. We normally think of the arts as very different from technologies in spite of the fact that art (with perhaps a few exceptions) is practiced with the help of technology. This practice creates an interdependence between technology and art. To what extent does art respond to or end up shaped by the technology that enables it? To what extent have advanced and accessible, such as websites, digital photography, and YouTube, changed the relationship between art and technology? Are these technologies reshaping our attitudes toward artists?
  2. Consider a that has a logical block size of 512 bytes, and assume that the information about each file (i.e., the folder) is already in memory and that each pointer requires 16 bytes under linked and indexed allocation methods. Answer the following questions:
    • How many blocks are required for storing a 98-KB file under the contiguous, linked, and indexed allocation methods?
    • How many blocks must be read from the disk under linked allocation when the user wants to access data on the 9857th byte of that file?
    • How many blocks must be read from the disk under indexed allocation when the user wants to access data on the 8957th byte of that file?
  3. Which secondary storage devices are appropriate for the following?
    1. Saving data during an edit process
    2. Backing up data and applications
    3. Distributing data and applications
    4. Transporting data and applications
    5. Archiving data and applications
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