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Fighting Bias in Algorithms | Information Systems homework help

Technology With Responsibility

Review the DargeanGrix Business Scenario Download DargeanGrix Business Scenariodocument.
View the How I’m Fighting Bias in AlgorithmsLinks to an external site. video.
Read the following: This is How AI Bias Really Happens—And Why It’s So Hard to FixLinks to an external site., The Advantages of Re-Humanizing HR with Artificial IntelligenceLinks to an external site., How to Make Artificial Intelligence Work for Your OrganizationLinks to an external site., Artificial Intelligence Has A Problem With Bias, Here’s How To Tackle ItLinks to an external site., Mitigating Bias in AI ModelsLinks to an external site., and 7 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for BusinessLinks to an external site..
Consider what is socially responsible and ethically sound when implementing new technology into the organization.

For example,

Pros (benefits) to using artificial intelligence (AI): streamlining processes, and better and faster decision making.
Cons to using AI: built in bias (e.g., facial recognition, gender bias) and hiring bias (e.g., gender, racial, ageism, disability, etc.).
In this discussion forum for senior management at DargeanGrix, discuss the possibilities of bringing AI-driven human resources management software in for managing all activities associated with employees throughout their entire employment life cycle with DargeanGrix.

Consider the benefits and the risks of introducing AI technology into the organization. Think about how the technology might become a risk to the organization’s employees, customers, and partners. Contemplate whether the technology introduces ethical concerns by implementing the technology.

Be sure to address whether the technology and innovation brings value to the business and to the customer.

Helpful Hints:

Your goals are to learn to examine elements beyond just their hard costs and to convince your senior management peers of any identified additional value. Discover and see the value and possibilities the ideas can bring to the organization. For example, just because a thing costs more to be “green” or to be “unbiased” doesn’t mean that the additional cost is wasted investment. Learn to see (and put it in the right context to present it) where the extra cost brings value to the organization.

Appraise both the benefits and the risks of the technology to the organization, the employees, customers, and partners.
Defend the positive position on the topic and include mitigations for the risks you identified above.
Identify the ethical concerns that may be introduced by the technology.
Discuss any concerns your audience is likely to have about the possible ethical issues and social responsibilities associated with the technology.
Write a script. Name and save your script as a Word document.

Buolamwinim, J. (2016, November). How I’m fighting bias in algorithmsLinks to an external site. [Video]. TED Conferences. https://www.ted.com/talks/joy_buolamwini_how_i_m_fighting_bias_in_algorithms#t-511831

Hao, K. (2019, February 4). This is how AI bias really happens—and why it’s so hard to fixLinks to an external site.. MIT Technology Review. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/612876/this-is-how-ai-bias-really-happensand-why-its-so-hard-to-fix/

Marr, B. (2019, January 29). Artificial intelligence has a problem with bias, here’s how to tackle itLinks to an external site.. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2019/01/29/3-steps-to-tackle-the-problem-of-bias-in-artificial-intelligence/#6fa7d20b7a12

Padney, A., & Juturu, V. K. (2018, January 25). How to make artificial intelligence work for your organizationLinks to an external site.. latentview. https://www.latentview.com/blog/business-benefit-from-ai/

Victories, V. (2018, May 15). 7 benefits of artificial intelligence for businessLinks to an external site.. eukhost. https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-benefits-of-artificial-intelligence-for-business/
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