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FAMILY ANALYSIS | Psychology homework help

Family Analysis Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply course content to what is shown in the media. For this assignment, you will be analyzing dynamics from a family found in either a TV show, movie, or book. The family must include an adolescent, and your analysis will focus on the parent-adolescent relationship. Once you identify a fictional family, you will apply module readings to what you can observe from parent-adolescent relationship(s) in this family. Your analysis must include connections to specific module research as well as a biblical integration component.



In your analysis, you will be required to describe and integrate details related to the following topic areas, so be sure that you choose a family that provides enough information to do a thorough job. The structure of your analysis must follow the outline below and include APA-style headings for the following sections.

  • Family Background – At the beginning of your analysis, describe as much basic information about the family as possible including:
    • Name of TV show/movie/book
    • Number of parents present and marital status
    • Description of any siblings or other family members who live in the home
    • Best estimates as to ages of children and parent(s)
    • Any other demographic information you feel is pertinent
  • Parenting Styles – Using research found in your Laursen & Collins (2009) module reading (see pages 16-18), identify which of the four parenting styles are represented in the family. Be sure to include specific examples and descriptions to support your conclusion.
  • Positive Interactions and Support – Using research from Laursen & Collins (p. 18-21), describe any evidence of positive interactions, closeness, and support between the parent(s) and adolescent. For full credit, you must compare and/or contrast what you observe within the family to specific research results cited in Laursen & Collins.
  • Negative Interactions and Conflict – Using research from Laursen & Collins (p. 21 – 25), describe any evidence of negative interactions and conflict between the parent(s) and adolescent. For full credit, you must compare and/or contrast what you observe within the family to specific research results cited in Laursen & Collins.
  • Adolescent Outcomes – Using research from Laursen & Collins (p. 26 – 29), describe any evidence of positive or negative outcomes seen in the adolescent. If there is not enough information to be observed, be sure to include a discussion of what outcomes could be expected given the parenting styles, positive interactions, and conflict assessed above.
  • Biblical Integration – Provide a discussion of what the Bible has to say about family relationships, support, and/or conflict. You must use at least two different Scriptural references in this section to support your discussion.



Additional assignment requirements include:

  • The analysis must be 2–3 pages (double-spaced) in current APA format. This length requirement does not include the title and reference pages.
  • The review must include an APA-style title page and a reference page.
  • The paper must be submitted as a Word document.



Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


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