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Evolution of 802.11x networks | Network communication homework help

In a 4-6-page, APA 7th Edition  formatted paper, and including at least six external references:

Describe the evolution of 802.11x networks

Discuss how both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are used and vary between the different 802.11x networks.

Research and address current 802.11x standards and future network standards with their proposed benefits and functions.

Finally, address a few of the security concerns with current 802.11x standards.

Remember to properly identify, cite, and reference your resources in APA 7th Edition style.

Olenewa, J. (2017). Guide to wireless communications (4th ed.). Cengage Learning

Print ISBN: 978-1305958531

What are some common pitfalls of intelligence analysis, and how can you avoid them?

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