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Essay: critical analysis of 3 literary works


Essay: Critical Analysis of 3 Literary Works

1- Read and Synthesize THREE literary work (two poems and one short story)

2- These works are: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, Death Be Not proud by John Donne, O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whiteman. The link to all of this are provided all the way down below. 

3- Do a detailed (but focused!) analysis of the literary works based on theme and literary devices used. Make sure that you are analyzing each quote in depth. 

4- Essay should have five paragraphs and each body paragraph must be only about that specific literary work

5- Each body paragraph should focus on 1 literary work.  Each body paragraph should use two direct quotes from each literary work and a direct quote from research about that same literary work.

6- Each paragraph must include three quotes. Two of those quotes must come from the text of the specific literary work, and the third quote must be from the research that got provided for that specific literary work.

7-  Comparisons between the works can occur in the transitions, the “return to main point section and in your conclusion.

8- 4) You do NOT need to use the same literary devices in each paragraph. Theme should be consistent, or at least show multiple sides of the same theme, but literary devices can vary between paragraphs.

9- Essays must have the followings: in-depth analysis, well-chosen evidence (For each paragraph you must have two quotes from the text of the specific reading and one quote from the provided research that relates to that reading), correct MLA format, grammar/punctuation, strong verbs, integration of research. The final draft should be 5 pages double spaced (approximately 2000 words).

10- Please, Please, make sure to look out the outline before start writing the essay. It’s extremely important that you absolutely must write the essay based on the outline. Otherwise is unacceptable. 

Here are all the links to the 2 poems and the short story.



Download the PDF file for the short story of The Lottery by Jack London

Download the three-research PDF file for each literary work. You would use each of these to write your third quote in the specific paragraph that relates to the research topic.

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