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Engl creative paper | English homework help

Write a creative prequel or sequel to a short story you have read/or heard about in class. You may also add a scene. Or you may write an original short story. (1,000-2,500 words)

  1. Keep in mind the elements of fiction (characters, setting, plot, point of view, symbolism, tone, theme and language) as you shape your story. These elements should be clear so that your reader can identify each of them in your story.
  2. The plot needs to include a exposition (background/beginning), conflicts (rising action), climax and resolution (ending)
  3. SHOW rather than tell. Use descriptive language, including the five senses, and dialogue.
  4. If you create the prequel or sequel, make sure there is a clear connection to the actual short story. 

Write a narrative work explaining how the main character became the way that he/she did. In the prequel, you will need to keep a similar theme and main characters as found in the original. However, you can change some of the elements such as the setting or POV or add a character.

For example, how did the protagonist in “The Lone Ranger and Tonto have a Fist Fight in Heaven” become an alcoholic and lose hope.
Explain the events that led to or caused the protagonist to leave the reservation before the story begins. Reread the story to pick up clues. Use vivid language and dialogue. Most of all, be creative.

Write a narrative work explaining what happens to the main character after the ending of the short story. You will need to keep a similar theme and main characters in the sequel ; otherwise, you can change some of the elements such as the setting or POV or add a character.

For example, what kind of parent or wife will the mother in “Fiesta, 1980” be like in the future. Explain the events that cause her to stay in the marriage or leave her abusive husband. Reread the story to pick up clues. Use vivid language and dialogue. Most of all, be creative.

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