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Engineering | Engineering homework help

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A water cannon sprays 50 L/min of liquid water at a velocity of 100 m/s horizontally out from a nozzle. It is driven by a pump that receives the water from a tank at 20oC, 100 kPa. There is no change in elevation between the surface of the water in the tank and the nozzle exit. Assuming adiabatic and reversible flow throughout the system, determine
(a) The nozzle exit area.
(b) The power input to the pump.
(c) The pressure at the pump exit.

An ideal dual cycle has a compression ratio of 15 and a cutoff ratio of 1.4. The pressure ratio during constant volume heat addition process is 1.1. The state of the air at the beginning of the compression is P1 = 14.2 psia and T1 = 75oF. Calculate the cycle’s net specific work, specific heat addition, and thermal efficiency. Use constant specific heats at room temperature.

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