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Engineering | Engineering homework help

Consider a circular cylinder in a hypersonic flow, with its axis perpendicular to the flow. Let be the angle measured between radii drawn to the leading edge (the stagnation point) and to any arbitrary point on the cylinder. The pressure coefficient distribution along the cylindrical surface is given by Cp = 2 cos2 ? for 0 < ? < ?/2 and 3?/2 < ? > 2? and Cp = 0 for ?/2 < ? < 3 ?/2. Calculate the drag coefficient for the cylinder, based on projected frontal area of the cylinder.

vertical piston-cylinder device initially contains 0.25 m3 of air at 600 kPa and 300°C. A valve connected to the cylinder is now opened, and air is allowed to escape until three quarters of the mass leave the cylinder at which point the volume is 0.05 m3. Determine the final temperature in the cylinder and the boundary work during this process.

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