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Elijah’s scientific method (biblical physical science)

Biblical Physical Science:

Holy Scripture contains an astonishing variety of references to chemical elements and compounds, chemical and physical processes, chemical and physical procedures and apparatus, measurements, chemical reactions, and applied physics. Please submit a computer-printed summary (1.5 spacing, 12-point font, 500-word minimum length) of the following: 

Elijah’s Scientific Method:

– Read the account of Elijah and the two altars (one to God, one to Baal) in the Old Testament as found in I Kings 18:21-39. 

– Using the information in Ch 1 of (An Introduction to Physical Science, by James Shipman, 12th Edition) book, write a 1-2 page (typed, 1.5 spacing, 12-point font) paper that analyzes Elijah’s methods in terms of the criteria for the scientific methods. 

– Be sure to include:

1) that which Elijah knew to be true (his generalizations).

2) Elijah’s hypothesis/es. 

3) his experimental protocol.

4) Results.

– Please quote chapter and verse for the scriptural examples and quotations you cite. 

– Reference passages of scripture as follow: Book name, Chapter: Verse, “passage in quotations”, Bile translation. (e.g. John 3:16 “For God so loved”, NIV).

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