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E-Commerce | Information Systems homework help

All e-Commerce software must provide a catalog display, shopping cart capabilities, and transaction processing. The convenience of these three functions is an obvious benefit to the customer. Based on your research in the e-Activity, compare and rate the ease of use of the catalog display and shopping cart function of each Website visited. Explain why the basic functions of e-Commerce software are not enough for larger companies and how the advanced functions overcome these limitations.

Explain how and when demand and supply have changed (shifted) for online shopping. Provide examples of historical or current events where market demand and market supply for online shopping have shifted significantly, and state the factors that you believe have caused the shift in supply and/or in demand.Describe three ways e-commerce can provide services for its customers from the following list:

a. Provide evidence of service.

b. Web making tangible, the intangible.

c. Cyber sampling.

d. Multiplying memories.

e. Customization.

f. Customers as part-time employees.

g. Innovations as customer participation.

h. Reducing customer errors.

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