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E-business | Information Systems homework help

  1. The process of business purchasing online is known as the e-chain. a. True b. False
  2. What costs must be considered while building a mobile site? a. Strategy b. Creative c. Development d. All of the above
  3. Why do businesses use SEO on an e-commerce website?
  4. How does Facebook support e-business?
  5. What is a competitive advantage in e-commerce?
  6. What are a few ways that e-commerce has impacted transactions throughout the years?
  7. Briefly define e-business and e-commerce. How are they related? 2. Explain the relationship between the periodic mode and batch processing 3. List and describe the four basic subprocesses completed in processing business event data using batch processing.
  8. One explanation for the development of online music services is:
  9. the government mandated this market.
  10. consumers stopped purchasing CDs.
  11. these services will help reduce the incidence of piracy.
  12. consumers do not care about the price they pay for one song.
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