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Draw an E-R diagram for these relations | Information Systems homework help

Using the study of chapter 9 in your course textbook, provide your solution to the following problem.

Consider the following 3NF relations about a sorority or fraternity:

MEMBER(Member_ID,Name,Address,Dues_Owed) OFFICE(Office_Name,Officer_ID,Term_Start_Date, Budget)

EXPENSE(Ledger_Number,Office_Name,Expense_ Date,Amt_Owed) PAYMENT(Check_Number,Expense_Ledger_Number, Amt_Paid)

RECEIPT(Member_ID,Receipt_Date,Dues_Received) COMMITTEE(Committee_ID,Officer_in_Charge) WORKERS(Committee_ID,Member_ID)

Foreign keys are not indicated in these relations. Decide which attributes are foreign keys and justify your decisions.

Draw an E-R diagram for these relations, using your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47a.

Explain the assumptions you made about cardinalities in your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47b. Explain why it is said that the E-R data model is more expres-sive or more semantically rich than the relational data model.

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2019). Modern systems analysis and design (9th ed.). Pearson. Print ISBN: 978-0135172759 eText ISBN: 978-0135172841

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