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Discussion question | Operations Management homework help

Read the Chapter 10-12 of the book,(I uploaded)  Out of all the reading assignments, prepare a Discussion Question (DQ). The DQ should focus on something about the material that you found to be INTERESTING, STIMULATING, IMPORTANT, UNCLEAR, or CONTROVERSIAL. Prepare only one DQ (not one from each reading source or chapter).  (I don’t think you should read all of those, just skim it and find a part you are interested in and write the DQ based on that)

The DQ example:   — When implementing Management by Walking Around (p. 12), how do you find a balance between being holed up at your desk versus risking your employees feeling that you are micromanaging them? Do you see examples of this happening in your office?

Besides, you should also reply to other two DQs from others. You can comment on others’ DQ once you have submitted yours. So after you deliver the answer of your DQ, I’ll send you two of others’ DQs and please reply to them. 

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