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Development of information processing skills | Psychology homework help

  • All children experiences challenges as they grow up, but children from low-income families have more than their share.
  • Basing your response on the textbook’s discussion of socioeconomic status, describe three different challenges that children from low-income families are apt to face that their more economically privileged peers do not face.
  • Identify three different teaching strategies that developmental theorists have identified as being especially beneficial for students from low-income families.
  • As a teacher, you will probably have one or more students with special physical needs (e.g., chronic medical conditions, recent head injuries) in your classroom. List five different strategies that may be useful as you work with such students.
  • The textbook describes a number of trends in the development of information processing skills. Describe at least four ways in which sixth-grade children differ from kindergarten children in their information processing strategies and capabilities.
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