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Developing a budget as the leader | Management homework help

Include a cover page and 1-2 pages of reflection regarding what new learnings taken away from the week’s readings, videos, and other information you found noteworthy. For your Week 2 Journal consider the importance of having quality information to make decisions associated with creating and implementing strategies in your current place of employment.

Please use some of the reference below

Biery, M. E. (2013, December 22). What are your financial statements telling you?Links to an external site. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/sageworks/2013/12/22/understanding-financial-statements/#72daac5822b0
The full-length version of this article is available through the Forbes.com website.

Pal, N. (2015, April 9). Why financial dashboards matter, and five pointers to get you startedLinks to an external site.. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/skollworldforum/2015/04/09/why-financial-dashboards-matter-and-five-pointers-to-get-you-started/#4f6e2f5f2520

Sampson, L. (2015, March 13). Turning bean counters into difference makers: How corporate finance is changing with the timesLinks to an external site.. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/oracle/2015/03/13/how-corporate-finance-is-changing-with-the-times/#1aaa9ab639d1

TriCorporation. (n.d.). Preparing your financial commitments: Guide to developing a budget as the leader of HISCO [Video file]. Retrieved from https://qa.trisimulation.com/Simulation (This is the reference to the transcript below of the video in the uploaded materials)
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