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Develop a VT on a health-related issue | Health & Medical homework help

Presentation on Global Health Topic
This assignment entails the development of a voice thread presentation (VT) on a health-related OR social issue from a global and international perspective. You must upload the speaker notes in the course so a similarity score may be developed. Please see the rubric for this assignment

To summarize, you are asked to develop a VT on one health-related OR social issue from a global and international perspective. For example, you may develop a presentation on preventing and decreasing the rates of Malaria in rural areas of Zambia among children and adolescents. Plan to talk for about 10-15 minutes, which may translate to 10-15 slides. Also, if you use in-text/presentation citations, please include the reference on that slide. The Purdue Online Writing Lab has great resources on how to develop an effective PPT.

A list of potential topics is included on the following electronic sources:

Unicef website
United Nations Foundation website
World Bank website
World Health Organization website

Submission Parameters:

Please use the following criteria to develop your VT:

Introductory slide with at least 3 presentation objectives
Background information on the specific global/international health OR social topic including:
Population impacted by the health issue
Striking facts, graphs, stories, or maps you could use to support your analysis
Research and scientific solutions addressing the problem in that country or region. If none available, describe the research on the topic, but also include how it may be translated to fit the needs of the culture and society. Also, you may address the gaps in the literature and research.
Policy solutions addressing the problem in that country or region. You may review their legislative website on bills and policy implications. If none are available, what are policy recommendations from non-governmental websites such as Unicef, WHO, United Nations, and World Bank, to name a few.
Based on the research and policy solutions, describe at least 2 specific steps or measures that should be taken (and by whom) to realistically and feasibly implement the chosen proposal and solution. You may use the SMART approach.
Provide brief concluding statements
List of References in APA format
In addition to following APA format, please use the following as a guide:

Use references throughout the VT presentation
Apply appropriate spelling, grammar, and organization throughout the Presentation
Include a reference list at the end of the Presentation
Attempt to use primary sources only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e. NCSBN, AANP)
Paper Format: APA

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