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Database unit i | Information Systems homework help

Unit I Project

For this assignment, choose one of the first three scenarios from the end of Chapter 1 in your course textbook (on pages 17-18): “Wild Wood Apartments,” “Vince’s Vinyl,” or “Grandfield College.” (You will work on the scenario you choosethroughout this course.)

Do NOT choose the scenario titled “Westlake Research Hospital” because this scenario will act as an example throughout this course. Click here to review the suggested answer for this scenario to gain an understanding of what is expected of you on this assignment.


  1. Read your selected scenario on page 17 or 18.
  2. Review the “Deliverables” section below.
  3. Review the “Suggestions for Scenarios” section on page 19 of your textbook for important details and ideas to
    assist you with your deliverables.
  4. Review “The Statement of Work” section on pages 14-15. Use this as a model for your own statement of work.


ITC 4150, Database Design and Implementation 2

5. When you have completed all of the deliverables, compress the files together into a single .zip file for upload. Contact your instructor if you have any questions.


  1. Major Topics: List the major topics for this database, and explain why each should be considered a major topic of the database.
  2. Statement of Work: Write a draft statement of work. Include a brief history, a statement of scope, objectives, and a preliminary timeline.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Conger, S. (2014). Hands on database: An introduction to database design and development (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Pearson.

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