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Database Management | Database management systems homework help

Question 1. A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that:

a. Store data.

b. Manage data.

c. Use collections of data.

d. All of the above.

Question 2. You should use Access over Excel when:

a. You have a large amount of data.

b. You need to create complex charts.

c. You have only one worksheet to handle all of your data.

d. You have extensive subtotals and totals in your worksheet.

Question 3. A filter is best described as:

a. A subset of records from an object based on specified criteria.

b. A sorted list of records in an object.

c. A record list from a table.

d. Another name for a query.

Question 4. When building a database, you should first:

a. Create and input the design of the tables and reports at the same time.

b. Determine the input and then design the tables.

c. Determine the output and then design the tables.

d. Input the data and then design the reports.

Question 5. Excel should be used instead of Access when:

a. You have a small amount of data.

b. Your data needs to be regrouped in various views.

c. Your data needs connectivity to external databases.

d. Your data requires a relational database.

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