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Database design | Database management systems homework help

  1. What is the relationship between columns that can be null and entity subtypes? Under what conditions would these columns lead to more than one entity subtype?
  2. Representing minimum cardinality in a physical database design can be tricky depending on whether the parent-child relationship is O-O, M-O, O-M, or M-M. Give an example of one of these minimum cardinalities and how it would affect the physical database design. What are referential integrity actions, and how could you use them in your example?
  3. Describe attribute conflict in view integration. How it is resolved?
  4. What are some potential problems of poor database design?
  5. Which database property type increases the efficiency of a search on the designated field in the physical database?
  6. True or false: The characteristics that allows a system to handle an increase in volume of data or users is called scalability.
  7. How to write business rules for a database.
  8. When was the database invented?
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