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Database | Database management systems homework help

  1. If a DBMS enforces an UPDATE RESTRICT option on the referential integrity constraint between CLIENT and AGENT in the HAPPY INSURANCE database, what will be the outcome after a user tries to change the AgentID value in the last record to A5?

Value A4 appears once in column AgentID in AGENT, and value A4 appears once in column ClientAgent in table CLIENT

Value A5 appears once in column AgentID in AGENT, and value A5 appears once in column ClientAgent in table CLIENT

Value A5 appears once in column AgentID in AGENT, and value A5 does not appear in column ClientAgent in table CLIENT

Value A5 does not appear in column AgentID in AGENT, and value A5 appears once in column ClientAgent in table CLIENT

  1. Your boss walks up to you and hands you a USB flash drive with the following database: Model Specs

PC-1000 Dell Opti PC 200XD, 2.0 GHz, 512MB RAM, 40GB HD

PC-1250 Dell Slim PC 400LX, 2.25 GHz, 2GB RAM, 160GB HD

PC-1500 Dell Opti PC 300XD 1.5 GHz, 4GB RAM, 200GB HD

Your boss asks you if anything is wrong with the database and, if so, what should be done with it.

How should you respond? Looking at 1NF – Explain your answer.

Now correct the table to be in 1NF and add it here.


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