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Database | Database management systems homework help

Indicate if the following statements are true or false. If the answer is false, explain why.

1. The OF clause for the CREATE TRIGGER statement specifies the table the trigger affects.

2. In SQL Server, you can define unlimited INSTEAD OF triggers per INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

3. SQL Server 2000 does allow references to TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE columns in the DELETED table.

4. Many companies frequently abandon built-in features of the database for homegrown solutions to perform the same tasks.

5. When implementing the Simple Auditing Model 2 with Oracle, you do not need to create a sequence object for the AUDIT_DATA_ID column.

6. The AUDIT_CHECK function from the PKG_APP_AUDIT returns a VARCHAR2 value.

7. The INSERT_DATA function from the PKG_APP_AUDIT returns a BOOLEAN value.

8. There is only one way to implement the Simple Auditing Model 2 with Oracle.

9. Business requirements often mandate that you keep an audit trail of all application errors caused by data manipulation.

10. You should always consider your business requirements before deciding which designs are best for your environment.

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