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Customer Service Strategy | Business homework help

Use a specific organization you want to work in, or one of the two hypothetical organizations Independent Auto Sales and Service (IAS) or Network Nutrition Distributors (NND).Now consider the following questions as you develop a customer service strategy:

1. What changes do you anticipate coming that will affect your business? Describe the top three changes that could destroy your business or leap-frog it into new levels of success.

2. Calculate the lifetime value of your customer using today’s dollars. Develop a strategy for capturing more “share of the customer.” What policies, processes, actions, or changes would you plan to keep your organization healthy and prosperous?

Locate an example of a way in which a company, civil organization, or political entity has levera… Locate an example of a way in which a company, civil organization, or political entity has leveraged social media to address an issue that negatively impacted the reputation of a brand. Was the initiative successful? What are some ways the initiative could have improved?

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