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Cryptography | Information Systems homework help

10.1 Users A and B use the Diffie–Hellman key exchange technique with a common prime q=71 and a primitive root

=7. If user A has private key XA=5, what is A’s public key YA? If user B has private key XB=12, what is B’s public key YB? What is the shared secret key?

10.6 Consider an Elgamal scheme with a common prime q=71 and a primitive root

=7. If B has public key YB=3 and A choose the random integer k=2, what is the ciphertext of M=30?

11.9 State the value of the padding field in SHA-512 if the length of the message is 1919 bits.

11.10 State the value of the length field in SHA-512 if the length of the message is 1920 bits.

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