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Court Decision | Human resource management homework help

Paper Details

A delivery person injured his back on the job, resulting in a serious disc problem that required surgery. Following surgery, the employee?s doctor imposed a lifting restriction of twenty-three pounds. This restriction precluded a return to his former position. The employee requested reassignment to another vacant job. The employer?s established procedure was to post all job openings and to require that employees initiate any requests for transfer. The employee completed one transfer request for a computer/clerical position but was judged to be unqualified due to his limited computer and office skills. The company also considered him for a telephone sales position and contacted him to set up an interview. At the interview, it was determined that the employee did not have sufficient motivation for sales. Within about a month of his request for reassignment, it was concluded that there were no positions available for which he was qualified and the employee was fired. The employee sued. What should the court decide? Why?

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