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CORPORATE LIQUIDATION | Accounting homework help

Ataway Company has severe financial difficulties and is considering filing a bankruptcy petition. At this time, it has the following assets and liabilities. The assets are stated at net realizable value.

Assets (pledged against debts of $76,000) $128,000
Assets (pledged against debts of $142,000) 56,000
Other assets 86,000
Liabilities with priority 65,000
Other unsecured creditors 206,000

In a liquidation, how much money would be paid on the partially secured debt?

Sasha Company allocates the estimated $187,100 of its accounting department costs to its production and sales departments since the accounting department supports the other two departments particularly with regard to payroll and accounts payable functions. The costs will be allocated based on the number of employees using the direct method. Information regarding costs and employees follows:

Department Employees
Accounting 4
Production 38
Sales 15

How much of the accounting department costs will be allocated to the production?

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