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Convert the table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in 1NF | Database management systems homework help

Each Maintenance ID can have more than one line (MaintenanceLineNumber).

Each OperationCost ID can have more than one line (OperationCostLineNumber).

The MET_Trucking Company ERD will have to be normalized to include the changes.

We will need a separate table for the Maintenance line items (MaintenanceLineNumber) and the Operation cost line items (OperationCostLineNumber).

Use the following table for question 1.

TRUCK(TruckID, TruckPrice, TruckSalesTax, TruckType, TruckModel, TruckDatePurchase, TruckESTMPG, TruckFuelType, FuelID, FuelDate, BeginningOdometerReading, EndOdometerReading, NumOfGallonsPurchased, CostPerGallon, MaintID, MaintenanceLineNumber, MaintenanceDesc, MaintenanceDate, MaintenanceCost, OperationCostID, OperationCostLineNumber, OperationCostDesc, OperationCostDate, OperationCostAmount)

1. Convert the table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in 1NF

2. Convert the table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in 2NF

3. Convert the table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in 3NF




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