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Construct a Turing machine | Computer Science homework help

  1. Suppose a computer using a direct mapped cache has 232 bytes of byte-addressable main memory and a cache size of 512 bytes, and each cache block contains 64 bytes
  2. How many blocks of main memory are there?
  3. What is the format of a memory address as seen by the cache? That is, what are the sizes of the tag, block, and offset fields?
  4. To which cache block will the memory address 0x13A4498A map?
  5. You are given the following parameters for a disk drive problem: a single-platter disk, a rotation speed of 7200 RPM, 3000 tracks on one side of platter, 600 sectors per track, and a seek time of 1 ms for every 100 tracks traversed (this is not a real basis for the seek time, but it gives you data to come up with a number without working through g forces, the strength of the materials, and everything that really plays a part). The disk receives a request to access a random sector on a random track. Assume the head starts at track 0.
  6. What is the average seek time?
  7. What is the average rotational delay?
  8. What is the transfer time for a sector?
  9. What is the total average time to satisfy a request?
  10. with an input alphabet {a,b,c} that accepts strings in which the first “c” is preceded by the substring “aaa”. A string must contain a “c” to be accepted by the machine.


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