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Computer Security | Information Systems homework help

With the possibility of three business computers in his home, and all of his business records possibly vulnerable, this would be a good time to advise Bill on how to set up a routine plan to protect and defend his network. Provide a list of the five (5) most important concerns for safety and security of the network and the computers in the network. For each concern, specify the action to be taken, and if applicable, what software you recommend be added to the system. Justify each of your recommendations. If, there are any additional questions that you would have asked Bill be sure to note them as you explain to Bill what networking options he has so that you can explain what additional information could change your suggestion if any.

Private and corporate information is under attack from an array of resources.

a) What are the various threats to information security in your view?

b) Are you doing your share to protect your information? Why and why not? What can you do to improve your information security practices?

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